Wednesday 5 October 2011

Music video analyasis

At the start of this video you see him sitting in a old room full or antiques, this in contrast with other music videos that are more like pop and main stream where money and new things are everything and showing off your money is important, this is what is different about indie artists, as these type of shot try's and sets them apart from other artists, and makes the audience think its not really about the money for these artists like James Morrison, its all about inspiration and the music. There is limited lighting here, and the shot rely on ambient lighting, this is to try and create the effect of that his work, and in this case his music video doesnt seem to have been heavily editing and there wasnt like a huge load of work that went into this, it just kinda happened. The slightly closed curtains give the impression he likes to be by himself and that he doesnt need anyone else, just him and his thoughts.

This shot is typical of a indie artists music video, a close up of there face, it shows them as just being very human, shows there is nothing different between us and him. This type of shot makes us listen to the lyrics a lot more, due to the fact there is nothing to distract us from the music. Seeing his face allows us to see the passion on his face.
What happens a lot in indie music is that there is a blur between the the narrative and the performance, this means that the part where you see him singing, which is the performance merges into the narrative, this is normally shown by artist movement and in this video a match cut is used from him looking out the window and then you see what he is looking at, and it is the narrative.
The cutting rate is are normally rather long, this gives the music video a smooth feel and there are no sudden cut that you dont expect.
In this shot you see him trying to push his way through a crowd of people, this could suggest that he has had to try and fight his way through so many obstacles to try and get where he is today. It could also signify that he is trying to go against what everyone else is doing, hence why he is a indie artist.
In this shot you can see that people have started to lay down along side the 2 main characters, this could meant hat finally after long time of struggling to try and be accepted he has finally got what he wanted, which are people to try and fall into place with him, it also also suggest that he was ahead of time so he had the right idea before people realized it was the right idea.
James and his co actors costumes are very basic, just a white T-shirt, jeans with a jacket, this shows us once again he doesnt do what he does for the fancy things and money.

The only thing that doesnt really fit into the singer songwriter category he is in that he has no instrument, but apart from that he goes along with all other conventions.

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