Thursday 20 October 2011

Frank Turner/Similar Product

I would say that Frank Turner to what we are trying to make our artist be like, we are in the same genre and then in the same sub genre, which is indie singer songwriter. I would say he would say he doesnt take himself to seriously aswell, and is also there to make music and gain critical success rather than selling mass's of his product.

From this shot you can see that he is carrying his guitar with him, which suggests that he always carries it with him, which would then imply that that is such a big part of his life, we also have done the same in our video as we have shots of him having his guatiar with him, even if he is not playing it, just to suggest is more of a life style and a passion rather than a job.

As you can see they are walking along with no singing, its just a natural shot. What does differ between the 2 shots is location, this is manly due to the lyrics of the song and we have both employed illustration, which is a direct link between the lyrics and the image, and in franks it talks about being near the English channel, and we have gone for the nutella theme.

As you can tell from the image to the left, it is a rather random shot of him sitting on a chair in the see, with a guitar splashing around in his clothes, this would suggest to his he is rather random and quirky, this is used again to try and make him stand out from the crowd and really make a link between the lyrics and the images.

What we did was not the same, but i feel it has the same effect, we added in something rather random to create the same image of our artist as Frank has tried to do which is to create the image that he will no take himself to seriously and isnt afraid to have have a laugh. This should in the eyes of the consumer make him more relate able, which means they will understand where our artist is coming from and feel there is a connection.
 The reason i have pulled these 2 shots are to show that both of artists are going against the conventions of a indie artist having to be serious and emotional all the way through the video, the way in which the effect of serious is meant to work is that people will feel that its there life and they are writing about whats happened to them, to it shows a personal link.
What happens when you turn that convention on its head is something very different with a very different outcome, this is the idea that you can create a artist in the same genre, he can be successful but he doesnt have to be serious, he can be a cheeky chappy. The benefit of making the artist a cheeky chappy is the fact that boys can relate to him, as all boys think they are alittle cheeky, and the females always have a little crush on the kid that mess's around and doesnt just stick to the rules


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