Saturday 8 October 2011

Magazine analysis

What i have noticed with posters is that they always seem to have a strong link with the digipak of the artist. This is for a simple reason that the poster is meant to advertise the digipak and making a strong link between the two media texts means that someone is able to visually when they walk into a shop, know what they are looking for.
What a poster normally has on it is the name of the artist, obviously this is important as you need to be able to put a name to the face of the artist, and its a good way of creating a image or the use of 'star theory'... also along the lines of image is the actual picture you see, all different types of pictures would represent a different genre, for example the tower blocks for London and the artist in the foreground would tell us it was rap, on the breach by yourself would be singer songwriter or a pop band. James Morrison has gone for a cobbled street, which gives a authentic look to him, shows he is a little old fashioned which would appeal to his passionate fans he brought with him from the indie scene into the new pop/mainstream.
Editing has been heavily used in this picture aswell, but it has been cleverly done, by this i mean it does not look like it has it would just look like its old fashioned, but that is the look they are going for.
The text is also very important when it comes to linking the poster to the artist and also to there other media products. The text he has used is short and to the point, for example telling us the name of the album, which you need to then go and find it, also the release dates which just informs people. They also  say about a certain track that has been included, this is most likely going to be a very popular song that would want to make people go and buy the album even more, or it could be a special feature that you could not get anywhere else which would make people that really like him have to go and buy it. There is also small print under it just for legality which is very important as it makes the poster look official.
Costumes are important as well, this is due to the fact as it once again goes into adding to the star image, James and his people have opted to go with the old school brown leather jacket, which makes him a little quirky and sets him apart from the rest of the artists in his genre, the jeans and shoes are stylish, which would appeal to the main stream section of his fan base and show that he isnt stuck in the past.

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