Thursday 6 October 2011

digi pack analyses

Within this fuzzy picture i took by using my phone is another attempt of a digipak, this time it was of a boy band, and then i went on to analysis it all. 
I spoke about costumes and how we went for a shirt and trousers look, which showed we were a serious boy want, and wasnt just another one of your pop bands, i feel it shows the audience that we would be something different and would then go and buy our product, it would be a USP we would play on and would make us to the audience see, more mature,
Also about the editing, we went for a black and white, which makes us look old fashioned which i feel is the effect we wanted to portray as if this band was real, we would be a group of Michael Buble's by that i mean we would sing classic songs.
We also chose the location very carefully, it is a cricket pavilion which looks quite 1950's with its white and back wood, again this goes well with our theme.

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