This plan is a outline and in what order we want our music video to go in, this is just we were able to see what shots we needed to get still and what shots we already had, it also made things clearer in our heads as we were know able to place everything and really see our product come together.
There are certain elements within the lyrics and video that need to be included, for this we are making sure that we have a selective prop list, these are the things we need to include within our video:
When filming at my house for the flashback:
* A jar of nutella
* A wii
* mario cart
* sugar
* teabags
* general kitchen area
* lounge
* sofas
* the outfits of the characters
These pictures are pictures we took to just get some ideas of where we think would be a good place to film our music video, and also due to the fact not all the group came with us to get the shots means that we have to take them back and double check that he is ok with what we have planned.
This audience research enabled us to see what our target market want to see from our production, we found out that people do care more than we thought about the name of songs, we found that people were not really interested when it came our name.
We also found out where it would be best to go to if we wanted some feedback on our work, the top sites were facebook and youtube.
We also found out that people are very interesting in other artists in our genre, this is good news that people are very interested in it but means it would be harder for us to enter our artist into the market as there will be more competition.
We found out that our target audience has plenty of disposable income which means that they will be able to buy our products, one limitation of our audience research is that we only did it from our friendship group which means that the age range we asked our questions to was narrow, this means that it will be hard to work out what older people would want to listen and what they would want to see from a artist like ours.
Lewis Mokler is a 19 Year Old singer/songwriter from Newmarket which is a small town near Cambridge. Lewis has been on the mainstage singing for Ely xmas lights and has also done Bury Busk. Using an upbeat feel good vibe Lewis writes his own songs and does a few covers these can also be found on youtube as well as his website
After finding out that it is not possible for Lewis (the artist) to star in our video do to clashes with his college and life and ours, we have had to choose another couple to act instead.
When thinking about our new actors we had to think about the image we want our actor's to portray, so we decided to go for Will and Emily, who are a couple in real life. We think that the fit the bill as she is very naturally pretty and he looks like a nice gentle giant.
- Getting hassled when filming
- Since I have epilepsy, there is a chance that I may have a seizure, although hopefully this won't happen
- Damaging or losing any cameras/props/guitar
- Getting lost, we will take a map or get a guide to Grafton Centre
- If we film during a school week, we will only film when we have free periods or media lessons
For one element within the music video we are filming a flashback in my house, in thaxted. In order to do this we need to make a risk assestment for our filming.
We need to make sure that when filming in the house we use all the equipment properly and sensibly, assuring that no breakage or damage is caused.
We will not miss any scheduled lessons at school to avoid truency; so we will warn teachers of our lack of presence at school during study periods.
When travelling to my house, we will travel all together if possible, if not we will preplan times and certain ways of travel.
When using any household items we will make sure we are all sensible, for instance the kettle to make sure nobody gets burnt or harmed. Similar to all items to be used we will preplan all usages.
As luke is allergic to cats, when filming we will make sure that all cats are not around, assuring that no allergic reaction can be induced.
As dan has epilepsy we will make sure that there will be no flashing or bright lights and take all precautions to avoid triggering anything.
Due to the fact that the Grafton centre manager did not come back and email us, we had to go to the grafton centre and ask them if we were able to film. They were happy to let us film but put in 2 proviso's;
-To have public liability insurance worth 5mil
-To not film right infront of a shop
I would say that Frank Turner to what we are trying to make our artist be like, we are in the same genre and then in the same sub genre, which is indie singer songwriter. I would say he would say he doesnt take himself to seriously aswell, and is also there to make music and gain critical success rather than selling mass's of his product.
From this shot you can see that he is carrying his guitar with him, which suggests that he always carries it with him, which would then imply that that is such a big part of his life, we also have done the same in our video as we have shots of him having his guatiar with him, even if he is not playing it, just to suggest is more of a life style and a passion rather than a job.
As you can see they are walking along with no singing, its just a natural shot. What does differ between the 2 shots is location, this is manly due to the lyrics of the song and we have both employed illustration, which is a direct link between the lyrics and the image, and in franks it talks about being near the English channel, and we have gone for the nutella theme.
As you can tell from the image to the left, it is a rather random shot of him sitting on a chair in the see, with a guitar splashing around in his clothes, this would suggest to his he is rather random and quirky, this is used again to try and make him stand out from the crowd and really make a link between the lyrics and the images.
What we did was not the same, but i feel it has the same effect, we added in something rather random to create the same image of our artist as Frank has tried to do which is to create the image that he will no take himself to seriously and isnt afraid to have have a laugh. This should in the eyes of the consumer make him more relate able, which means they will understand where our artist is coming from and feel there is a connection.
The reason i have pulled these 2 shots are to show that both of artists are going against the conventions of a indie artist having to be serious and emotional all the way through the video, the way in which the effect of serious is meant to work is that people will feel that its there life and they are writing about whats happened to them, to it shows a personal link.
What happens when you turn that convention on its head is something very different with a very different outcome, this is the idea that you can create a artist in the same genre, he can be successful but he doesnt have to be serious, he can be a cheeky chappy. The benefit of making the artist a cheeky chappy is the fact that boys can relate to him, as all boys think they are alittle cheeky, and the females always have a little crush on the kid that mess's around and doesnt just stick to the rules
What i have noticed with posters is that they always seem to have a strong link with the digipak of the artist. This is for a simple reason that the poster is meant to advertise the digipak and making a strong link between the two media texts means that someone is able to visually when they walk into a shop, know what they are looking for.
What a poster normally has on it is the name of the artist, obviously this is important as you need to be able to put a name to the face of the artist, and its a good way of creating a image or the use of 'star theory'... also along the lines of image is the actual picture you see, all different types of pictures would represent a different genre, for example the tower blocks for London and the artist in the foreground would tell us it was rap, on the breach by yourself would be singer songwriter or a pop band. James Morrison has gone for a cobbled street, which gives a authentic look to him, shows he is a little old fashioned which would appeal to his passionate fans he brought with him from the indie scene into the new pop/mainstream.
Editing has been heavily used in this picture aswell, but it has been cleverly done, by this i mean it does not look like it has it would just look like its old fashioned, but that is the look they are going for.
The text is also very important when it comes to linking the poster to the artist and also to there other media products. The text he has used is short and to the point, for example telling us the name of the album, which you need to then go and find it, also the release dates which just informs people. They also say about a certain track that has been included, this is most likely going to be a very popular song that would want to make people go and buy the album even more, or it could be a special feature that you could not get anywhere else which would make people that really like him have to go and buy it. There is also small print under it just for legality which is very important as it makes the poster look official.
Costumes are important as well, this is due to the fact as it once again goes into adding to the star image, James and his people have opted to go with the old school brown leather jacket, which makes him a little quirky and sets him apart from the rest of the artists in his genre, the jeans and shoes are stylish, which would appeal to the main stream section of his fan base and show that he isnt stuck in the past.
There are major links between the video and lyrics, and it normally depends on what genre and what sort of artist the link is. There is;
Illustration - this is a direct link between the Lyrics and Video, this means that what is being said in the lyrics is what you will be able to see on the video... so for example;
In this shot you have him saying a disco ball hanging by a thread... this is shown as it the song is all about escapism, so they picked out the most quirky objected and chose to directly link the lyrics and the video.
Amplification- this is when there is meaning beyond the obvious, there isnt as much of a direct link between the 2.
Disjuncture- where the link between the lyrics and image if anything contradict each other.
Within this fuzzy picture i took by using my phone is another attempt of a digipak, this time it was of a boy band, and then i went on to analysis it all.
I spoke about costumes and how we went for a shirt and trousers look, which showed we were a serious boy want, and wasnt just another one of your pop bands, i feel it shows the audience that we would be something different and would then go and buy our product, it would be a USP we would play on and would make us to the audience see, more mature,
Also about the editing, we went for a black and white, which makes us look old fashioned which i feel is the effect we wanted to portray as if this band was real, we would be a group of Michael Buble's by that i mean we would sing classic songs.
We also chose the location very carefully, it is a cricket pavilion which looks quite 1950's with its white and back wood, again this goes well with our theme.
In this picture my group and I started to plan our music video, doing it on the white board meant we were able to stand back and then really see what we want to do and then ask ourselves if it really makes sense, we are had the problem where we had lots of ideas, but they just were not suitable for the genre we are doing.
Putting them on a white board also means it is easier to see the order of things aswell and is a good chance to get everything out of our heads.
At the start of this video you see him sitting in a old room full or antiques, this in contrast with other music videos that are more like pop and main stream where money and new things are everything and showing off your money is important, this is what is different about indie artists, as these type of shot try's and sets them apart from other artists, and makes the audience think its not really about the money for these artists like James Morrison, its all about inspiration and the music. There is limited lighting here, and the shot rely on ambient lighting, this is to try and create the effect of that his work, and in this case his music video doesnt seem to have been heavily editing and there wasnt like a huge load of work that went into this, it just kinda happened. The slightly closed curtains give the impression he likes to be by himself and that he doesnt need anyone else, just him and his thoughts.
This shot is typical of a indie artists music video, a close up of there face, it shows them as just being very human, shows there is nothing different between us and him. This type of shot makes us listen to the lyrics a lot more, due to the fact there is nothing to distract us from the music. Seeing his face allows us to see the passion on his face.
What happens a lot in indie music is that there is a blur between the the narrative and the performance, this means that the part where you see him singing, which is the performance merges into the narrative, this is normally shown by artist movement and in this video a match cut is used from him looking out the window and then you see what he is looking at, and it is the narrative.
The cutting rate is are normally rather long, this gives the music video a smooth feel and there are no sudden cut that you dont expect.
In this shot you see him trying to push his way through a crowd of people, this could suggest that he has had to try and fight his way through so many obstacles to try and get where he is today. It could also signify that he is trying to go against what everyone else is doing, hence why he is a indie artist.
In this shot you can see that people have started to lay down along side the 2 main characters, this could meant hat finally after long time of struggling to try and be accepted he has finally got what he wanted, which are people to try and fall into place with him, it also also suggest that he was ahead of time so he had the right idea before people realized it was the right idea.
James and his co actors costumes are very basic, just a white T-shirt, jeans with a jacket, this shows us once again he doesnt do what he does for the fancy things and money.
The only thing that doesnt really fit into the singer songwriter category he is in that he has no instrument, but apart from that he goes along with all other conventions.
Above is a digipak from Katy Perry, as you can see firstly it is very sexy, putting these types of pictures on a digipak will mean that it would make people go and buy it, this is because it is a exclusive to this media text, there is nowhere else you could get the pictures.
Due to the genre, which is pop and the Katy is a singer songwriter but mainstream, she has gone with very bright vibrant colors this is trying to reflect her personality, this candy theme and dreams suggests to us that she and therefore her product is out of this world.
Her eye line is staring right at us, with the kind of look which is like i want you. This is effective as she is already seen as a sex symbol and this makes us feel like she wants us.
To make everything official there are the must haves, like the small print and the record labels, these remind us that this wasnt just for us and there are millions of men out there thinking the same.
There is a exclusive content label which tells us that if we buy this product we will have something that you could not get any other way.
The discs are designed to look like sweets and donuts, this is to try and fit in with the rest of the pak and to make it look scrum diddly umpshous.
The pictures she has used and the props within suggest that she is in a dream world, and the way in which everything is set up is that she is trying to invite us to this world of hers. You can tell its a dream worlds as she is laying in clouds and she has HUGE cake.
The sex appeal for this is huge, she is pretty much half naked and she looks like she begging me to go join her, the other picture is her in a fairy costumes which could suggest that she would make all our dreams come true.
For the purpose of this post i am going to call my ideal audience member Max.
Max would be a snappy dressing popular kid within in group of friends, he most likely going to be around the age of 19 and would have just started at uni, we think he would be doing something quite cultural, he would be studying English. He will know pretty much everything that a normal teenager would, but would know more. He would be the type of person people would go to for the latest trends. He will dress in all the new trends, and will always be trying to keep up to date. This would make him the first to get things in his group of friends, which would make others be envious of him, and make him someone that people could copy. But at the same time, it would look like he didn't really take much notice of what he wore, which would give him the rugged look.
His knowledge of the music industry would be deep, and he would know all the bands that most other people wouldn't. So in this case he would know Lewis Mokler.
He would be going to small gigs with all small named artists and would make it a regular thing, making sure that he was up to date with everything, and he would play the new artists hes friends didn't know in his car to make him seem a little more educated that he is.
I dont think he and his family would have alot of money, so that is why he got into indie music as he cant afford to go to the big gigs, so he has to make do with the small local gigs.
A digipack is an original version of a normal music album package. Digipaks typically consist of a gatefold (book-style) paperboard or card stock outer binding, with one or more plastic trays capable of holding a CD or DVD attached to the inside. Since Digipaks were among the first alternatives to jewel cases to be used by major record companies, and because there is no other common name for Digipak-style packaging made by other companies, the term digipak or Digi-Pak is often used generically, even when the media holder is a hub or "Soft Spot" rather than a full plastic tray.
Digipak-style packaging is often used for CD singles or special editions of CD. Because such packaging is less resistant to scratch than jewel cases, it tends to show signs of wear relatively quickly. Licensed digipak manufacturers such as domestic U.S. printer and disc replicator Oasis Disc Manufacturing recommend coating the raw printed paper with a protective UV coating, thus ensuring greater longevity. all the information for the digipack was found)
The conventions of digipacks are that there must be images that represent the theme of the album. Also on most front covers on digipacks their must be traditional trademark sign of the artist or just a picture of the artist. There is also a continuous theme throughout the whole digipack in terms of theme and colour.
The front has a picture of the artist along with the name of the album and the artist. For example this can be seen in the front cover of the oasis album.
First compartment
Where it holds the disk which includes all the songs.
Second compartment
Another holder for a CD, however this one will be for a music video, or a mini movie on how they made this movie etc.
This is where the tracks are listed and numbered.
Digipack Magazine advert,Digipack front cover,Magazine adverts are usually just the front covers of the digipack in a poster with messages underneath it saying when the album is out for release and the ratings certain artists and news papers gave the music album, these are the conventions for digipack magazine adverts. This can be seen in the killers magazine advert where it’s the same as the CD front cover with the addition of the release date. Digipack magazine adverts function is to make audiences aware that the artist has a music album coming up and is basically trying to persuade the audience to buy the album
- The name of the Artist
- The name of the Album
- Tracklisting (include bonus extra's such as 'behind the scenes' and/or 'making of' features)
- Website and Myspace addresses
- Record Label branding
- Pictures of the band members or relevant visual imagery to sell the band (must be a different image to those used on the magazine ad) and it must be manipulated in some way (effect)
- Price
- Website
- Credits
- Recording information, producer, where it was recorded and when
- Who wrote the songs
- Logo
- Barcode
- DVD logo
- CD logo
- Website banner
Indie artist are known for being critically more successful rather than chart successful, this is because they appeal to a more niche audience, this means that most people wont hear there songs, which means that they will reply on winning awards. The big names in the music industry are Q magazine and NME....
Recently there has become a blur between pop and indie, now known as indie-pop, this is because indie artists are now getting main stream but they are still winning awards.
Also what has helped the blur has been radio 1 and 4music coming along and doing this like acts unsigned and giving unknown artists the chance to perform in large festivals.
A indie artist was originally a artist that has not made it to the big league and usually hadnt been signed. Now things are very different, it has now become more of a image that is used my the marketing team to try to make there artist stand out.
The typical indie singer songwriter is a plain simple person, nothing crazy like lady gaga. There main selling point is there passion for there music, due to this they normally have a musical instrument, normally either a guitar or a piano. You can see this in he picture to the right, ed is hugging is guitar which shows us that he loves music and all that he needs is he guitar.