Thursday 22 September 2011

Genre research

We have chosen a band which we have found it very hard to place in one specific genre, this is because they do not a line to just one, I would most liken them to a indie bands, but they use other instruments which are not normally associated with this genre... for example brass instruments.

Indie ------> After doing research, i have found out that Indie is technically a genre, this is because 'indie' is just short for independent, this means they are not attached to any label's this may mean they do not want to be tied down by the industry, they have not been discovered yet, or simply they do not have what it takes to get into the business.
Never the less, i have done some more digging and have managed to get the gist of what is now come to be known as 'indie'.... Some people have come to associate indie with the style of the band,

'now pretty much...any eccentric, skinny, glasses wearing band of college-agers'    Or as i would call it quirky dressing.

The common recognised genre closest to indie is called indie rock, this can be described as fun upbeat music but has quirky qualities that does not let it fall into what is now known as 'pop' (which also isnt really a genre) indie rock is often referred to as underground music, which simply means that it is not widely known. Indie rock is also heavily associated with the youth and is mainly a British based genre.

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