Sunday 11 September 2011

Costume + Props

From this photo we can see she is not wearing alot, this would give us the impression she is a young girl who isnt afraid to show her body off and it also shows us that she is confident enough to do this. It could also suggest to us her target audience, which is most likely to be young people as the older people in the world would not approve of this. To a male audience it is challenging them to try and find out about them or to try and get them to try and get them to go get her. The intent of her doing this is to try and create controversy, this give her a image that she is a bad girl and gets people talking about her, you have the people wanting to buy her product as they think they are being a rebel buy doing this, and then you also create such a big media craze about it and people talking about it, it makes people want to buy the product as they just want to know whats going on and who is this person they are talking about.

The props tell us alot of things, first you have the bottles of alcohol which tell us that she likes to party and let her hair down... she is also using it to cover up herself... This is very sexual and for a male audience member means they start to have a thing for this artist which could then turn into a global craze as it could means she gets into the top 20 hottest women alive, which would create more of a demand for the artist.
There is also alot of money around which suggest she isnt so much about the music, she is all about getting the money, and then splashing it around, and she is laying on it. Due to the fact she is sitting on money and its just out tells us that she is what they call in the industry a 'female boss' this is the idea that she is better than men and to back that up she has plenty of money which would suggest she is very successful

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