Sunday 11 September 2011

Camera + Editing

On this photo they have put her in the forgorund/infront of a black background, which has been used to make us focus on her face alot more. This is used to draw our eye to the subject. It also could be suggested that she is coming out of the darkness into the light, and may show us that we don't know what;s been in her past which would make the audience what to know more about her, which would involve buying more of her products, r even just creating a interest for the artist which would stir up media interest, which is free publicity

There are alot of mixed signals given from this photo, firstly we have the plan simple look, and by this i mean she doesnt have much make up on, which gives us the idea that shes all about the music and nothing really else matters to her, this is back up by the fact the only prop on show is the mic... this is also a old fashioned bit of kit. The effect on the audience is that it makes her look like its just her and the music, there was no huge production team behind her (or so it would seem) this give her like image that she is pure and that she isnt in it for the money and fame.

In contrast to this there is the subtle eye liner which defines the eye and then the open mouth which is saying to us that she wants us... this challenging the male audience to try and get her which would encourage us to go find out more about her. Also there is the bling on her hand, this is subtle but enough for us to tell there she is well established as she already has has enough money to buy expensive things, it also make her seem more mature, as little girls do not have bling like that

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