Thursday 22 September 2011

Audience research plan

In the near future, once our group has come to agreement on the song we are going to use for our video, i will be  using various means to measure what our audience wants to see, and also, what they expect to see, which i think are 2 very different things. What they expect to see is what they already associated with the genre, which means they are able to create links with the song, and what they want to see, is something that hasn't really been done, which they would want to see the genre evolve into, if there is a reoccurring theme within our audience that we survey we will try to implement this into our video, and then in our post market research i strongly think the feedback will be that they were able to identify with the areas that they felt they had a part in coming up with ideas and themes.

I will be using a few different ways to research into what my audience wants to see, and they are; Using surveymonkey, which is a online survey site, printed surveys, and then also sample testing/focus groups using the music we plan to plan to use, with questions, and then already done indie rock videos and what they like and didn't like about those video's.

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