Sunday 10 July 2011

Star Theory

Dyers Star theory

The Star is a Construction:

The image of the star isnt always a reflection of the person that is the star, the star you see has been developed by the person playing the star and the management . It helps give the star a USP, for example, Lady Gaga's strange clothing, Madonna's Leotards etc, each aspect of the star is meant to represent something, so lady gaga and her odd clothing suggests, she goes against the grain and she cant be tamed, and madonna is a 70's retro girl.

The Star is a Commodity:

A record company will watch its audience and what they want very closely and will mould the star to what is in demand.

The Star is an Ideology:

The star represents a set of values and attitudes that reflect audiences own values. For example, Miley Cyrus gained lots of media attention after claiming she is a virgin and wouldn't have sex till she is married - young girl audiences might follow her lead and this could be beneficial to society and its problem of underage sex etc.

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