Friday 9 December 2011

Evaluation Question 2

I feel that the film came out aswell as we could have expected under the circumstances, i feel that with the equipment given to us we did a good job.
I feel that the link between all our media texts and the link with he artists is very strong as we have strong connotations, which is the fact its called nuttella and there is a picture of nuttella on his head, which could suggest that he is abit quirky.
We have decided to not use many metaphors puns and other word  meanings due to the fact we dont want to consumer to focus on the writing, we want it to be more on the picture as we feel they can get alot more out of the images on all 3 texts rather than the words.
We opted for simple fonts on all of our media texts as we felt we didnt want to take anything away from the artist and we wanted to make people focus on him, we also didnt want to give the impression that he was something that he was not, and by that i didnt want use a fancy text or a 'bad man' font as he is neither of these. We want him to be a simple artist with just his guitar and music.

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