Thursday 14 July 2011

CD covers

This is our first attempt at any media text, and it is a front and back cover of a CD cover, we were given the genre of hip hop and rap. Firstly we decided to go for a close up of our artist, as this was his first début album we felt it was important to get his face out there so he was able to become recognisable to the people, so as much facial exposure as possible, we wanted it to be very simple so we just  added his name BJB and also V.L which means volume one, giving the idea that more was to come. The font was used  as it wasnt too crazy, so nothing was taken from the artist, but it was enough to fit in with conventions of the RnB genre. Due to the fact we are trying to make the artist image, in accordance with Richard Dyer's 'star theory' we added a parental advisory label on it, to give our artist a bad boy image, it also makes the younger male consumer want to buy it even more as it gives them the idea they are being a rebel.

This is our back cover, once again is very basic, but i take great pride in the back cover of this, as it is the back, or looks like the back from the picture from the front cover. We did this to show the consumer all of the artist, to show that there is nothing more than just him, no fancy tricks as you can see all of him.
We had to add in the basic official things like the bar code and the record label, we chose Def Jam as when we did our research we found that they were associated with most other artists like ours. We also added a Blackberry scan code which means that the consumer is able to get closer to the artist and it give the consumer a extra reason to buy our product.

Sunday 10 July 2011

Digi pack Conventions

Front cover -

  • Simple colour scheme
  • Simple design
  • Emphasize on name
  • Hidden messages
  • Stereotypical Fonts
Back cover -
  • Names of band and album name
  • List of songs
  • Bar-codes
  • Record company
  • Copyright shizzle 
  • Distribution
 Spin -
  • Record company
  • Logo
  • Name of artist and album name
  • Simple fonts

Hip Hop Conventions

Conventions Hip-Hop

Hip hop as well has conventional themes which run through out there songs. For example most hip hop haves themes that talk about relationships, everyday struggles, prejudice, unfairness and gang culture. Though with this they also follow the conventions of the ways the present life and people, for example hip hop artists tend to present woman as sex objects, they present themselves as confident powerful men, and present there life’s as a hard struggle.

Artist within the music industry follow the same themes as every other artists. The conventional themes of clothes in hip hop artists are expensive designer clothes which reflect the artist’s success and power; other themes are symbols of signature looks and symbols of wealth such as:
-sports cars
-big houses

Star Theory

Dyers Star theory

The Star is a Construction:

The image of the star isnt always a reflection of the person that is the star, the star you see has been developed by the person playing the star and the management . It helps give the star a USP, for example, Lady Gaga's strange clothing, Madonna's Leotards etc, each aspect of the star is meant to represent something, so lady gaga and her odd clothing suggests, she goes against the grain and she cant be tamed, and madonna is a 70's retro girl.

The Star is a Commodity:

A record company will watch its audience and what they want very closely and will mould the star to what is in demand.

The Star is an Ideology:

The star represents a set of values and attitudes that reflect audiences own values. For example, Miley Cyrus gained lots of media attention after claiming she is a virgin and wouldn't have sex till she is married - young girl audiences might follow her lead and this could be beneficial to society and its problem of underage sex etc.